
I'm so thrilled that we did it! When I started reading Reylo there were 16,000 fics and it's been amazing to see it grow. I love Reylo and the community I have found here. We'll still be dropping prompts and adding fics to the collection throughout September. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #Reylo30for30
The Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren tag on Ao3 is approaching 30,000 fics!! During September we are holding an event #Reylo30for30 to help it along. We have 30 prompts to share with you to inspire Ao3 fics and will be posting a prompt everyday. Let’s go!! moodboards by
Thanks for organizing the event! It's been amazing to see the speed of this! 🥳🥳🥳
It's been a great team effort and the fandom has been fantastic! I never expected that we'd reach the goal so fast!