
The DC Dyke March was hundreds of dykes, ALL MASKED, 100% MASKING, marching through the streets of DC against genocide in Palestine in 60+% humidity and 90ish degree heat, including disabled dykes of all kinds. Organizers, you CAN make masking mandatory for events. It’ll work.
I don't think I saw a single person with a mask when I was at pride on the 2nd. I haven't seen anyone, even immuno compromised queers wearing a mask in like a year. I aint wearing a mask in 100 degree weather if the people I'm worried about arent taking the same precautions.
You ain’t gotta be perfect! I spent most of 2022-2023 unmasked bc I fell for the propaganda too and after two years isolated I wanted to be a slut and felt I couldn’t do that in a mask. But you’re allowed to change your beliefs and do better. You can care about disabled folks!
Love your post. When we know better we can do better! Also, don’t have apathy if you aren’t disabled… reinfections mean a loss of 2 iq points on average and there is always risk of other long term effects. Don’t let disabled folks be scapegoats for something that negatively impacts everyone.
I was about 2/3 of the way to the back (a little ways behind the mask cart) so I didn't see you during the march, and I was so glad to see you right behind the banner carriers in photos! I was like "c'mon I know Anonsee is here somewhere" haha
I DONT KNOW HOW I GOT TO THERE I was at the back of the mobility aid folks, behind all the wheelchair users, and still somehow ended up at the front front 😭
did you see the guy in Lafayette Square who kept yelling at us that Palestinians would kill us for being queer? I wasn't clear on whether he was more anti-Palestinian or anti-queer but maybe both. but it was nice to be cheered on by so many folks, esp the restaurant workers along Connecticut Avenue
By the way im Palestinian and Queer, so my mere existences disproves this guy’s argument
Boston Dyke March was also 100% masked. It was wonderful.
so was pittsburgh's! we take care of us 🫶
I'm so tired of excuses. I wear my mask every time I leave the house and don't feel pressure to take it off, but I hope me wearing it might make someone else feel more ok about wearing one.
Only time I don’t mask in public now is when eating/drinking, outside away from crowds, or when I’m performing (performing bc 1. My lungs only operate at like 70%. 2. I have pretty severe asthma on top of that. 3. I’m so out of shape right now holy fuck 😭 last performance was dying for 30 min after)
Same. I mask every time. The one time I didn’t was taking my cat to the vet for her final appointment because the mask freaked her out and I wanted her to feel as safe and comfortable as possible. And I went immediately back to masking after. I mask for me. I mask for you. I mask for everyone.❤️
The way this made me cry. This gives me hope that while I might not currently be in a place that cares about disabled people, that doesn’t mean there aren’t spaces for us. 😭
DC isn’t.. great about it overall but there’s a lot of folks still masking, mainly BIPOC bc lol of course
Blocked that person who posted the og skeet. Very selfish behavior to not make bc it's hot. I live in Phoenix where it's constantly triple digits. I still mask up, especially since the tribes here were some of the most severely effected by COVID /people outside of the tribes not masking 💔
Disabled and indigenous people were suffering so bad in those first couple of years bc people wouldn't hair their masks or wouldn't wear them properly. God and the disabled people who had to travel a bit from the rez to get to a hospital? :(
that's such courage, any temperature over 20C (68F) and I just stop functioning and moving, period. lying down next to the box fan time
I love to see it, and the masked ACT UP blocs. Our family masks indoors and in crowds, period.
Dykes for Palestine? They are aware of what Hamas does to dykes, right?
You're aware of what Israel does, right? Bombs, starves, and summarily executes them like everyone else in Gaza.
No no the U.S. has supplied Israel with heterosexual-seeking missiles, lesbians there are fine
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You know those dykes just love their mascs!