Antony Johnston

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Antony Johnston

Atomic Blonde, The Dog Sitter Detective, The Exphoria Code, The Organised Writer, Resident Evil Village, etc. I write all the things. Reps:
"Please, tell us your proposal for a high-speed racing arcade game to tie in with our billion-dollar movie franchise known and loved all over the world for starring souped-up cars and not motorbikes" "OK, well first of all you're not going to believe this"
Marcia’s mother is a former ballroom dancer. Her vinyl collection is full of strict tempo big band records suitable for ballroom. And then, suddenly— *record scratch* 😂
I’ve been struggling for weeks over a short story that just wasn’t quite coming together. This morning I finally realised how to fix it – and the answer was so simple I’ve been kicking myself ever since that it took me so long. 20-odd years in this racket and some days I still feel like a beginner 😂
Post-event so tie is loose, sorry 😂 But otherwise probably the best shot of me from last night’s #CWADaggers, with good friend and wonderful author Fiona Veitch Smith
Post-event so tie is loose, sorry 😂 But otherwise probably the best shot of me from last night’s #CWADaggers, with good friend and wonderful author Fiona Veitch Smith
My one and only comment on the election results: next time every expert in the country warns us that Tory economic policy will be disastrous and ruin the country within a decade, maybe let’s not let them do it for 14 years anyway before going “oh wow, they were right”
All dressed up for the #CWADaggers this evening (There’s no good full length mirror in the room, so you’ll have to make do with blurry accessories 😂 Yayoi Kusama pocket square, Incomparable pin, ankh watch chain, red rose cufflinks)
Rough draft of interactive novel Can You Solve the Murder has gone out to my beta readers. It was acquired in March – I don’t think I’ve ever written 82,000 words so quickly 😅 Now I sit back and chew my nails waiting to hear what people think…
Rough draft of interactive novel Can You Solve the Murder has gone out to my beta readers. It was acquired in March – I don’t think I’ve ever written 82,000 words so quickly 😅 Now I sit back and chew my nails waiting to hear what people think…
Fabulous time at #BradfordLiteratureFestival this weekend – a fun and engaging panel discussing cosy crime with two of my favourite authors Katy Watson and JM Hall, then dinner at Kashmir. Also hung out with friends like and Vaseem Khan, but as always forgot to take pics… 😂
Fabulous time at #BradfordLiteratureFestival this weekend – a fun and engaging panel discussing cosy crime with two of my favourite authors Katy Watson and JM Hall, then dinner at Kashmir. Also hung out with friends like and Vaseem Khan, but as always forgot to take pics… 😂
Love visiting local bookshops! Yesterday, just under the wire before the end of National Crime Reading Month, me & JM Hall went to the wonderful Truman Books in Farsley. We even met a lovely greyhound, Joe 😍 Signed copies of #TheDogSitterDetective 🐶🔍 are now on their shelves
Love visiting local bookshops! Yesterday, just under the wire before the end of National Crime Reading Month, me & JM Hall went to the wonderful Truman Books in Farsley. We even met a lovely greyhound, Joe 😍 Signed copies of #TheDogSitterDetective 🐶🔍 are now on their shelves
On Saturday afternoon I’m returning to BRADFORD LITERATURE FESTIVAL, where I’ll be discussing “Can Crime Ever Be Cosy?” with two of my favourite modern cosy authors, Katy Watson and JM Hall. Should be a lively discussion! Tickets:
This lunchtime I’m joining Gayle Lofthouse on the BBC Radio Leeds daytime show, ahead of the Bradford Literature Festival! Should be on at around 12.15pm. Listen live at the BBC website:
Radio Leeds - Listen Live - BBC Listen live to BBC Radio Leeds on BBC Sounds
On Saturday afternoon I’m returning to BRADFORD LITERATURE FESTIVAL, where I’ll be discussing “Can Crime Ever Be Cosy?” with two of my favourite modern cosy authors, Katy Watson and JM Hall. Should be a lively discussion! Tickets:
On Saturday afternoon I’m returning to BRADFORD LITERATURE FESTIVAL, where I’ll be discussing “Can Crime Ever Be Cosy?” with two of my favourite modern cosy authors, Katy Watson and JM Hall. Should be a lively discussion! Tickets:
[at the beach] Sonia Greene: oh howard this was such a lovely idea! Greene: a romantic seaside picnic and just the two of us! Greene: and we've got your favorite food right here - untoasted white bread! Greene: isn't this nice? HP Lovecraft: [sweats, stares at ocean] right sure
Another good day’s writing on CAN YOU SOLVE THE MURDER? So very, very close to finishing the rough draft now…
Reading threads where people talk about meeting someone through a dating app followed by “…and we’ve been married 13 years next month!” I’ll just be over here in the corner crumbling to dust 💀
NEW 🤘THRASH IT OUT🤘 EPISODE! Thank you for listening, now have some despair – Brian and I get closer to God as we listen to Nine Inch Nail's classic THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL:
THRASH IT OUT — Vol 7, Track 4: "The Downward Spiral" by Nine Inch
We make our own Saturday night entertainment up here in the north
Independent Bookshop Week starts today, celebrating booksellers all around the UK and Ireland! More than ever, indie bookshops are also vital community hubs and author advocates. Find your local store at and buy a book (or three 😂) #BooksAreMyBag #IndieBookshopWeek
Books Are My Bag - Home BOOKS ARE MY BOOKS ARE MY BAG is a nationwide campaign to celebrate bookshops. This collaboration between publishers, bookshops and authors is the biggest ever promotion of bookshops.
Great to see Barnoldswick library getting in the spirit and supporting National Crime Reading Month 🔍👍
On my way to today’s UK Crime Book Club Live event in Leeds, where I’m looking forward to appearing on this afternoon’s cosy crime panel 👍 Tickets at
Tell you what, I had an editorial meeting earlier today that I was a little nervous about, but couldn’t have gone better. I’m as much of a “close the door and leave me alone while I work” writer as the next person, but there’s nothing quite like good, productive collaboration 🤟