
let's do the seal team six hypo. president orders st6 to assassinate a political rival bc rival is a threat to national security. possible this is absolutely immune under pres's commander in chief power. if it's not, then it gets presumptive immunity (which may be absolute anyway)
if your instinct is "calm down, surely this is an exaggeration," allow me to assure you that it's really not
president goes to olc, which has now been stacked with "yes this is official act" lawyers such as john yoo types. "please stamp this order to assassinate my political rival an official act." "official act boss!" president: "i was told this was an official act before i did it."
this is of course ignoring that the President can assassinate or imprison any judge that dares ask the question in a court of law.
Would he even need to do that? You can’t inquire to motive or state of mind of presumptively immune acts from what I understand.
It makes it much harder for a court to even ask the question of him.