
Elon Musk praised the way CNN handled the presidential debate.
I hate Musk with a passion but he's not wrong about this, sadly. CNN can't debate for Biden. Idk wtf was wrong with him, fine afterward and next day but somehow couldn't be in the moment in the most important debate of the 21st century.
Seriously? Maybe he’s a human being? Shame on him. Let’s not look at his record, rather let’s base his entire administrative accomplishment on a 1 minute sound bite. And let’s also ignore that opponent is a convicted felon. 🙄
Yes, seriously. I’m very aware of his record and approve of most of it. Without GOP obstruction it would be all the more remarkable. I’m not “basing”anything, his campaign contributors are and all the people on the fence in every swing state.
My point is, if all of this “he needs to step down “ b/c of one single debate against a convicted felon (let’s not forget), then, no, no one has been paying attention to his accomplishments and it’s quite a bit actually. An old phrase “throwing the baby out with the bath water “ comes to mind.
I hear that, I personally don’t think he should step down but his debate performance was more than disappointing. Unfortunately, image is everything as the main stream media knows. They are the ones, CNN included, that are most responsible for DJT even being a viable candidate at this point.
It just doesn’t matter. 🤷🏻‍♀️