
If you come to BS and are going to DM people - especially soliciting something, please at least give yourself a name, wait until you've made a few posts, give some context or information about yourself...
I've just been rather abrupt to an account that may have been a genuine artist soliciting commissions, which I regret, but a complete stranger joining a platform and immediately contacting people to offer paid services looks off..
I got that one too, very sus vibe
I admire your regret at this, it is considerably more forbearance than I have towards them. In 2024 I operate under the mantra of “it is upon you to not seem like a bot or scammer. It’s a small ask and you should know better on this internet”
Bit off putting no matter what. I detest the "hard sell" in any arena. As an artist I find hard sell of art nauseating. (Admittedly that's shit for my career, but I'd rather sleep well than eat well.)
At this point I assume all such DMs are spam and don't reply to them. Too many bad actors jumped into them too quickly.
I don't know... I met my soulmate by responding to one of these DMs! ... Yes, it's technically true we have not yet met in person, and she's always asking me to e-transfer her money, but I mean, surely this is just what true love is all about...
I'd almost rather a solicitation than a vague "Hey there." What am I supposed to do with that?
I’m pretty sure those are all 100% romance scams
Makes sense to me. I'm hesitant to follow anyone unless I can get an idea that there's a person I can knowingly engage with on the other side.
Please don't give these people any time. Please focus on the spider books. Your country needs you This has been a public-service announcement