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OK, so let's ask the internet hive mind. I haven't built a desktop app in decades. Have debated a paint package, an audio tool and a sort of word processor, but no firm ideas settling. What should I build? Would prefer no Electron/Tauri involved either. #buildinpublic
"What's the point in trigonometry?" they said. "You'll never use it in real life!" Well, here I am nearly 30 years later having the last laugh drawing cities on the map I have integrated into Google Maps, manually reimplementing Mercator projection in JavaScript... and it needs trigonometry.
Been noodling this evening with taking the fantasy world that I have (for novels, RPing etc.) and plugging it into Google Maps for a fancy interface. Has been an interesting journey for sure and my computer wasn't happy working with 16384 pixel images...
Little breakout game has made it onto except I found all new bugs for having done so, so it will remain private until I can work out how to not have showstopper bugs :(
Well, my little Arkanoid clone is growing up, now we have the 'superball' that blitzes its way through any bricks. #gamedev #godot
End of feed.