
We’re fighting to restore access to more than 500,000 books in court on Friday. You can show your support in a number of ways - learn more:
I truly hope you all win the case. You are our greatest hope for preservation of media and it is a part of important history. To shut you down is equivalent or really worse than burning down the Library of Alexandria.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of Copyright law, this was always going to get you hosed by publishers. I’m not saying the law is right, but regardless if you choose to disregard then this is the fairly obvious consequence. Sadly I won’t be throwing good money after bad.
Indeed. If/when they lose, are they going to commit to accepting the result and stopping wasting precious resources on this, putting WayBack and other archives in danger?
You might point out that the United States has about the worst educational system in the free countries.
If, you know, all the books in the town library had been boosted from the town bookstore.
Here's hoping you can restore access. Good luck in fighting the good fight for media preservation!