
Two more for the block party. Yes, I’m sorry I’m not taking the “NATO is just Nazis” crowd seriously.
The stongel person was my 2nd block on this site.
I only muted people at the start of my time here so that was a quick call for me too, I guess. I love that he’s apparently been posting to me all this time all the same. No more
16k posts(!!) to 500 followers, dude is out here just screaming into the void. Blocked because yeah, no thanks.
If he was on Bluesky from the beginning (unlikely) that would mean he posts 43 times a day. That screams BOT! to me. Or, unemployed guy living in his parents' basement.
More likely the second given the examples where he actively harasses people because of their opinions. Could be angry retired guy also, just living online being mad at everything and everyone.