
Extremely online leftists contorting themselves to blame Dems for the current Supreme Court are telling on themselves as unhelpful trolls. Could Dems do more? Absolutely. Do the Dems suck on myriad issues? Yes! We know! But SCOTUS? That's GOP power grabbing. Quit pretending it's anything else.
People were asking RGB to step down years before she died. Clinton refused to step down as candidate despite the fact she was losing against Trump in early polling, even though part of her election strategy had been to artificially inflate Trump’s legitimacy to ensure he was her opponent
Like this isn’t contortion, it’s just facts babe
You could read my original post where I say the Dems screwed up a bunch and could do more at multiple turns but you are contorting yourself to make it Dems' fault and not the literal fascists, babe
Which finger is to be blamed when you’ve been shot? The index for pulling the trigger, or the thumb for releasing the safety? “They could’ve done better” no, they played an active role to get where we are now. This wasn’t missed opportunities, this was purposefully placing ego over strategy.
Ok you've decided on your version of reality please go away now, I don't even know you