
I don’t think I’m gonna vote coming this November 😅
Yeah, I get why. Depending on what state you live in, your presidential vote might LITERALLY not matter (but democracy totally isn’t dead right). If I can encourage you to do one thing though, find out who your local candidates are and vote for them. Your city policy matters a lot more than federal
If I was still living in PA, I would because its a swing state. But living in SC now, I feel useless. 😅 I’m in MAGA territory now
You’re totally right. The last time SC was blue was 1976, and anyone who’s being realistic knows 2024 isn’t the year it’ll swing left. Your presidential vote literally does not matter. If anyone gets mad at you for voting third party or not at all, they’re idealistically ignoring reality
Though that being said, still do please vote for local positions and policies. Those are the ones that can really affect you and your neighbors, and also often times the strongest progressives come from the most conservative areas