
The honest, core emotional reason I post a lot of tips and techniques and shortcuts and links to new art-related apps is that I'm trying very hard to allay the feeling a lot of artists feel nowadays that we're slowly becoming obsolete and behind the times. I would rather empower creative folks.
There are artists who I looked up to in my younger days in fandom, and some of them have absolutely hit the skids these days. (If you can read this, I'm not talking about you.) I would MUCH rather not see that happen to anyone else I know.
I haven’t drawn anything in about 22 years. Came back and started lurking around for a variety of reasons. It’s uplifting and fascinating to see how things have changed and I feel that doing things like supporting and helping artists through these tips as well as just keeping the community is key.
In my opinion, art is one of the pillars of humanity. It is one of the purest, most ancient forms of human expression. So to try and “replace” artists with machines to me is the most offensively soulless crusade one can embark on today. Stay strong you creative beans!
Art is about to explode. the scum hype cycle of ai is going to give way to ethical, artist created tools that make creation accessible. More people will get into art, as it will require traditional art skills to create whatever emerges in the new mediums. Art is a skill technology can not replace