
On Monday, Apple & I have Part 2 of civil 26f meet/confer. The first meet/confer I actually agreed to talk to them without a recording or witness. Then on Fri they starting accusing me of crap, so I told them now on Mon we need a recording or witness. Today they said: no witnesses or paper trail...
I really like that my federal civil Gjovik v Apple lawsuit docket is open to the public on PACER & people can easily follow along. However the US Dept of Labor hazardous waste whistleblower case doesn't use PACER. So today I created a public docket for that case here:
I told Apple they can email their updates then instead. They also owe me a ton of information they still have not sent - but instead they are nagging me about my assignments (that are blocked waiting for that information from them). Apple's definitely keeping the 'Enron meets Waco' theme going.