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Sometimes I leave whether or not I'll do something or go somewhere up to nearly impossible chances, like whether or not I can find an item I haven't seen in 6 months. Some power out there really wants me to do this thing it seems.
Sometimes the internet makes me think my temperature tolerance is some super human thing. 32C is only moderately uncomfortable where I am, but then again I am in the backwards land so who knows.
I love how the Sibling Affection video brought out a bunch of guys who were like "Oh wait, I can talk about how cool my sister is without getting the side-eye? Great!" And just spilled the most heartwarming shit I've ever heard in my comments section
I don't like the idea that you're supposed to play games like they're a job. Where the fuck did that idea come from, can we send it back please?
I think people have forgotten what games are. What they're supposed to be. It's starting to become disturbing how often people will claim that games aren't supposed to be fun anymore. This idea that things developed for entertainment must be treated like a job is disturbing...
This website has more posts from my general area than even the facebook group for my fucking town. How on earth does this even happen??
Word of advice strangers. If you own a wheat heat pack, store that thing as if your house is infested with rodents determined to get to it.
I was going to do some chores but... Fergus is making a very persuasive argument in favor of a nap instead.
More people need to realize what rubber bullets actually are. The name makes them sound harmless. In reality, they're large metal projectiles wrapped in rubber to make them bounce off pavements before striking someone. They can be extremely lethal when fired at someone directly.
I've seen people talk about air fryers just being glorified fan forced ovens, but honestly that was 90% of the appeal for me. Never had an oven that could heat above 180C, so having access to an oven that didn't require landlord approval that also fries stuff without a deep fryer? Too good.
When sleep deprivation is worth it 😴 Meet Bruno 🐾
Valheim is just Grounded with a viking coat of paint.
I want a chicken burger... I can't get one tho..🙁
You know whats really tempting right now? Eating an entire jar of Honey. You know what I'm not gonna do? Eat the entire jar of honey. Its gotta last me another week at a minimum.
Youtube tutorials be forcing me to update Blender it seems.
I keep seeing so many posts about pride parades, and it makes me kinda sad that the travel costs to get to one near me are stupid expensive. Please tell me the rest of you are at the very least enjoying yourselves.
How come common sense keeps getting applied to such obscure things? Why the fuck is whether or not you can get the lid off of something the "right" way common sense if the method required to do it "right" is the opposite of whats instinctive?
One of the funny things about people getting pissy about essential oils is that if you are an adult, and have never used Eucalyptus oil, you're either really lucky, really really unlucky, or both (or possibly stupid, but thats a particularly rare variant, and if you can read this you're likely not.)
One of the strangest things I do when ordering food out is order 'too much' food, and then feed it to those in my family who for some reason or another just won't eat otherwise. It almost feels mean to take advantage of their sense of obligation, but at least that means they're eating something.
I made a Cool S sword
What's this place like? I've never been here before...
End of feed.