A. Suárez Mascareño

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A. Suárez Mascareño


Leftist exoplaneteer
The fun thing of never finishing any important thing because there are too many mandatory short term things to do...
A widely predicted victory for the far right in France has instead turned into a victory for the left *because people turned out in record numbers to vote.* Defeat is not inevitable and more progressive elected officials means more progressive policies.
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
Here's Karateka with a dead NIRPS Fabry Perot lightbulb. Last week I was told that, apparently, me (not an ESO technician) changing it when it died actually was against procedure 🪐🔭
Back home from the #EAS2024, Karateka and Suri were very happy to have me back
For anyone interested in my small (and incomplete) review of the status on the detection and characterisation of young exoplanets, here's the link to download the slides: 1drv.ms/p/s!AvRFptpP... #EAS2024 #EAS2024Padova 🔭🪐
About to listen to the (exo) Planets by Gustav Holst at the #EAS2024
Skipped the #EAS2024 session today to finish my talk. It's now 97% ready. Would be 100% if the exoplanet archive tables could load on the hotel WiFi lol
I think Galileo would have enjoyed having the #EAS2024 in Padova 🔭🪐
#EAS2024 here we go! "Just" 10 hours to go to get to my hotel in Padova. I will now do like any proper astronomer, and work on my talk on the plane🔭🪐
Last week I was invited to give an exoplanets talk at the 16th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry (16ICGG), organized in Tenerife. I was the odd one out among internatonal experts in gas chemistry, introducing them to what we know about the compositon of exoplanets and their atmospheres 🔭🪐
Watching Inside Out 2 the day after being told my work is just not good enough to move to a stable job in academia really pushed a few buttons. 🔭
Palle: ANDES could detect molecules in TRAPPIST-1 planet atmospheres with only a handful of transits compared with the time required for JWST 🤯. Can also do reflected light spectroscopy of HZ planets 👀 #Exoplanets5
Renfe lol 52 minutes waiting list to check wether there are available train tickets... Can't you just get decent servers?
4th consecutive year of failing to meet the threshold to get a stable job in astronomy in spain. It makes one rethink things... 🔭🪐
So... For better or worse, I watched the Netflix shark movie "Under Paris". You know you are in for a treat when they decide to ripoff one of the OG Jaws ripoffs lol I truly wasn't expecting it to ripoff Enzo G. Castellari's L'ultimo Squalo.
I'm not at #Exoplanets5 today, but part of my work is! For those interested, check how NIRPS provides an independent detection of Proxima b and becomes the first 1 m/s infrared spectrograph! The time for EPRV in the NIR is here 🪐🔭 #Exo5
ANDES will be a reality! The high resolution ultra-stable spectrograph for the ELT (39m telescope), with a wavelength coverage of 350 nm up to 2.4 microns. Designed to study the atmospheres of exoplanets (incl. non transiting!) and the study of cosmological constants🔭🪐 www.eso.org/public/annou...
ESO signs agreement for ANDES instrument on the ELTwww.eso.org ESO signs agreement for ANDES instrument on the ELT
Today I just realised I have have paid over 100K€ over the last 11-12 years. 9 of those years I have been working at the same city and the same institution. At no point I have been elegible for a 100K€ mortgage.
Last week I bought a bottle of lime marmalade and it is like the best thing? I cannot understand how I had never had it. The universe owes me.
Some nature was happening on my window
A very exoplanet-focused word cloud 🔭🪐
Google scholar word cloud! Built using this; t.co/mrkKxYHtRH
A couple of pidgeons have obsessed with making a nest in the balcony in wich me and my cats hang out. These birds are... not the smartest animals.
Since the advent of anonymous telescope proposals, I privately communicate with myself a lot 🔭🪐
Today, the Canary Islands is protesting its economic model based on massive tourism. In recent years, tourism has grown so much that is expelling the local population from their towns. Infraestructures are routinely collapsed and natural environments are being destroyed. elpais.com/economia/202...
Canarias se planta con manifestaciones multitudinarias contra el turismo masivoelpais.com Las capitales de las ocho islas, escenario este sábado de manifestaciones reclamando una moratoria turística y vacacional y la implantación de una ecotasa
So yesterday I watched the pilot of La Brea, which I found stupid, unimaginative, and poorly acted. Naturally, I'm about to watch the second episode.
Two days ago we got the cats a new cushion that could fit in the sofa armchair. They are enjoying it!