Aubrin Kobold

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Aubrin Kobold

I am leetol kobold.
Just a little guy.
I draw big things.
I draw dirty things.
Send tacos.
Reposted byAvatar Aubrin Kobold
This ought to stir the pot a lil
I'm rather surprised at just how popular BG3's Durge has been as far as even non-furs drawing/animating them on youtube and the like. I'm equal parts pleased at cute dragon mans and concerned that such a (typically) vile person has caused such fascination.
Good news though is my dive trip to Roatan has been confirmed for September! Just gotta get a plane ticket now.
I just wanna be a smol lizard on the internet that scuba dives on the weekend but there’s this whole ass world-falling-apart thing to worry about.
I feel like there's a great movie about a ragtag group of heroes overthrowing the dystopian, comically evil regime they've been oppressed by for decades.. and we're currently living in the shitty prequel nobody asked for or wanted.
Oooooogh. Sore bold today. Okay not *quite* sore but I can tell yesterday was an active one.
Also; to the fuckhead that shot at trump.. are you TRYING to make a martyr? Hell you may as well have. He’s never going to shut up about this.
Had a good day on (under) the lake today. Dropped 2lb off my weighting and made a .. facial hair concession by ditching the mustache for the outing. Mask sealed perfect, bouyancy was on point at around 30’.
T’was the night before weekend, and all through the unit, not a creature was stirring.. except the one old guy with no business standing trying to get out of bed and making a thunderous crash as he fell to the ground. Sigh, it was going so well, too.
7 Days to Die; 1200 hours. Project Zomboid; 600 hours. Cataclysm; Dark Days Ahead; probably in excess of 2000 hours. ….I think I may have a game type.
So I just learned about American Kaiju and suddenly enrolling in the Super Soldier project is really tempting.
It tuesday. Second most mid day.
Love the rain except for when it messes up my intention of going for a walk.
Finally got some new batteries in my bathroom scale. Not doing as well on my weight as I thought I was! Up to 250! Time to dust off myfitnesspal and hooooooly subscription model batman! Yeah nah. I reject on principle. Next app down does what I need free.
Had a very good weekend. Took a sick day on the 3rd, a little sad to learn that cost me holiday pay for the 4th, but honestly I needed the friend gathering we had on the 4th more than a couple hundred bucks. Hadn't seen some of those guys in YEARS.
So I was playing with some outfit ideas for my artificer, Crank.. I like it but I don't think it suits him. #furryart #kobold
You know what I want from x more than anything right now? A way to batch block. I’ve a replacement acct over there just to look at stuff people keep sharing from the hellsite. Never post, never even touch it and it still has like 60 bots following it I’d love to purge but it’s not worth 120+ clicks.
Reposted byAvatar Aubrin Kobold
Psst!!! If you've been liking the badges and/or emotes I've been doing, I've actually gone ahead and added some more commission spots for them on my site for post-Anthrocon completion ^_^ Get in on the queue early!
Shop! — Lizzie
I’ve tried. I’ve given chance after chance. Different approaches, different angles.. but no more. My patience is done. Fuck cilantro.
Also precisely zero times has a celebrity been President and not had a profoundly negative effect on the gop that reverberates for years. Sure it’s only happened twice but it’s weird that it happened more than once.
You’d think that the not-insane conservatives out there wanting nothing to do with trump (they exist) could look at Biden’s perceived weakness as the best time to vote dem. Keep trump from power and if Biden is so weak, what’s he gonna do in 4 years?
Holy crap it’s a sauna at work, ac struggling to compensate and apparently something in the ceiling sprung a leak over the weekend, so there are buckets & carpet fans all over. So it’s hot AND loud.
I've got planning my sleep schedule out for a weekend down pretty solid. Now if only my body would heckin' cooperate with the plan!
Now that's how to get your argument across!
Hot American Girl
Sometimes you just have to go back to bed for another six hours.