
We have to do it at the ballot box, we have to do it through strikes, we have to do it through being elected, we have to do it through direct actions. Let 100 flowers blossom. None of it can work on its own.
To reiterate what has been saying for a long time... the courts are not going to get us out of this mess. We have to do it at the ballot box.
NOTHING WILL CHANGE IF YOU ARE PUTTING ALL OF YOUR HOPE AND ENERGY INTO VOTING. Possibly illegal things need to be done; be prepared to support the people who do them.
This is especially relevant when laws are being changed all the time to make basic things newly illegal.
Like, it’s illegal to mask in most situations in NC.
Yes, exactly. We are basically all gonna be criminals without trying very hard to be soon as things appear to be going. Better get a bit comfortable with the idea.