
when a popular artist (including writers and film makers) gets outted as a piece of shit, people start acting as tho their work never deserved popularity or they could tell all along because they didn’t like their work. but you can’t gauge moral character by the quality of a person’s creative work.
sometimes awful people make good things. sometimes great people make terrible stuff. it’s okay to reevaluate when you learn something new about an artist but y’all gotta stop acting like you can tell who’s good or evil based on whether or not you like their work.
it doesn’t make you a bad person if you like something made by someone who did bad things. only ever enjoying work made by "good" people doesn’t make you a good person. we can talk about not supporting or enabling harm (like in the case of Rowling) but that’s a different conversation.
Yeah, and it's like, some abusers are actually very *good* at understanding others, spinning sympathetic narratives, etc. because that's how they manipulate the people around them