
So I just got a campaign mailer from some guy running for a legislative position in my district, and I'm pretty pissed about it. He's your typical "they're coming for your children!" chuds and so the front of the mailer was a big picture of some kids at a drag queen story hour at the library. +
And I'm thinking, even if I *were* against drag queen story hour, which I'm not, did he get parental consent to use their kids' faces in a political campaign? I'm thinking not. I don't know what the legal issues are with using images that are probably from the newspaper or something, but +
if it were my kid on the front of a MAGA weirdo's campaign mailer, I'd be freaking out right now! I live in a fairly conservative area and there are some legit far-right gangs in the area. Isn't that putting kids at risk?