
Replaced the DevTerm‘s A06 CPU card with a RPi 4 compute model. Apparently the eMMC variant cannot access the SD-card bc they’re both using the same pins. So I now have two of them including the RPi IO Board to flash the eMMC :-/
So now it's a quad core Cortex-A72 @1.5GHz vs dual core Cortex-A72 @1.8GHz + quad core Cortex-A53 @1.4GHz. And with twice the RAM; 8GB instead of 4.
eMMC (64GB) performance is somewhat disappointing. At least during boot time. Does not really speed up the process. ~60s instead of 70s until X (the Org, not Elron, lel). Maybe I should have made some measurements with the A06 beforehand.
Also disappointing that Clockwork shipped the Rpi CM4 adapter without the WiFi antenna (old pigtail too short) and they also did not include the advertised smol heatsink). After all that was 20€ for the module and 40€ for shipping 🖕
At least I found a 1:1 drop in replacement for the non-working original trackball. The new one on the right has a rubber-like surface. Still not moving the mouse pointer completely smoothly, but it moves. The original one required one minute of swirling it around to get from one side to the other.