
No more allowing academics who can’t be bothered to condemn a genocide to act like they have anything to do with radical movements. The secret is that there are people smarter than them working at 7/11 and struggling to make rent each month. We can do our own intellectual work.
The cult of the individual is a strong impulse in US culture but I think collective intellectual work is much more powerful. Reaching conclusions through mutual education, dialogue and argument pushes us much further than any individual could. Egos are always detrimental.
There are scientists working on alien intelligence who suggest that technology and other such things require cooperation and would only come about in a social species! The cult of the personality is arguably just plain wrong about how we crest knowledge!
A lot of the most ridiculous, out of touch posts I've ever seen on this app have come from tenured faculty. There are a lot of good academics out there, but they're outnumbered by the sheer quantity of mediocre, pseudointellectual drones that reinforce status quo thinking.