
If you see this - post a bird 🎨 • Corvus&Crater •
If you see this, post a bird. 🪶 #kidlitart
Just realized in solid form part of what tweaked me about your work, from the very start. Up until now, I could not name it properly, but it is your borders. More specifically, how you break them. Often, a wing or a leaf will cross the frame edge, leaking into 'our' world. Testing the boundary.🖤🔥
Wow I appreciate this so much. You are always so supportive and kind it means a lot. I’m always a little worried in how I frame things so I’m thrilled this is a positive and not a detractor. The feeling of it “leaking into our world” is exactly the energy I want to give on the mystical themes 🖤🖤
It's kinda exciting, and subtle; like I say, I took a while to put my finger on that particular aspect. It collapses the gap, between the worlds you make, and the viewers reality. That leaf, may blow off the page, and land on my carpet...
I so appreciate you taking the time to put your finger on it. The idea of my work being examined at all or thought of does so much for my spirit 🙂 Hehe hopefully is carries some of the figs in as well when it blows in 👻
Gosh! 😊I'm just happy to see your art! And if your art makes me think or feel things, I'm really chuffed you are open to hearing it!! Lot's (most) of what I see doesn't make me think or feel much, TBH, and I feel privileged, being able to talk directly to you like this! So thank you too!🖤🙏⚡
That means so much 🖤 I’m so thrilled it evokes any kind of feeling and that it’s ok for me to geek out about my research I do for my pieces lol it’s one of my favourite parts of the whole process
Sooooo open to art-geekery!!🎨🤓 🖤😁🖤
I’ve been meaning to post these because I include them when I sell the prints so here’s the one for this piece if it’s of geeky interest hehe 🙂
Imagine pissing off a god so bad he literally throws you into space lmao
LMAO this description literally had me cackling I’m going to remember this forever
😆 AND your new snake buddy!!
Dude picked up a random snake and now they're both fucked lol
Right?! Like the snake is just chilling lol
Oh 🥲, that is such a lovely thing to do! And beautiful little stor-ett! Poor Corvus! But hey, them figs looked really good! Thank you for sharing!🖤⚡
Thanks for taking the time to read 🥰 I love finding some of the sort of lesser known Greek myths? Hopefully I did it justice on my rewrite/summary And I agree poor Corvus! And the snake I never know what he did wrong. He was just there lol
It is hard to compress a story like that, and it not be just a list of facts, but you did a good job. It was charming and sad.⚡ oh! the snake... *completely* minding his own business, like he was taught, then BAM! Fat Corvus!😁
Hahah! Being a constellation kind of sounds nice in the end 💘✨
For sure! On our timescales, we think his life is frozen, but he is now stars and feels star-time. To us, the procession of the stars takes millions of years for the constellations to change. For Corvus, he flies across the night sky at full speed, heading to who knows where, to do who knows what.
That’s a beautiful description ✨
And, I can't say how disappointed I am that http$:// does not exist yet. One day, it shall...
I have no idea why this added to my post lol it wasn’t there when I posted?