
My charming doctor let me know I should be targeting 2.5L/84oz of hydration a day (water + 1 liquid IV). Do folks have favorites? Right now I'm using my trusty purple quart jar, but it gets very sweaty (and is only 24ish oz). Also, too wide to travel well. Might have to dig in the cupboard. πŸ˜‚
That's a lot of water. For a non-medicated person, I drink 1-1.5L/day of just water, plus probably another half liter and a bit of teas/milk over the day plus whatever water is in my food, e.g. soups. Which usually keeps me hydrated enough, but I do use the eyeball-urine-color guesstimation.
Yeah, I've got some health stuff so it's on purpose. We are very familiar with watching pee color because my spouse has acute intermittent porphyria although disappointingly, never managed purple pee.
I thought I'd pass on the chart. A lot of people without health issues don't have a good scale and it's useful. I used to work with people who way overhydrated. Not that I was getting that much into their business, but with some careful educating let them know clear urine isn't necessarily best.