
I think this is exactly right, Trump has retained verbal fluency and that makes him SEEM less elderly even though he’s spouting gibberish
have said this before but trump’s brain is pretty obviously far more cooked than biden’s if you listen to what they actually say. but the presentation - basically trump being a spaz - makes trump *look and sound* less cooked to many people i think
This would also be why when, “reading the cold transcript, we get a very different picture of Biden. Substantively, he ably & forcefully made the case that that Trump should not be allowed back in the Oval Office. While… he occasionally lost his train of thought, he struck some hard & telling blows”
Biden lacked oomph, but the transcript tells a different Reading the cold transcript, we get a very different picture of Biden. Substantively, he ably and forcefully made the case that that Trump should not be allowed back in the Oval Office.