Balsam B'Grant Heat

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Balsam B'Grant Heat

I don't post much but when I do it's pretty stupid
*seeing a man dying from thirst* oh he thinks he's european, hu?
I'm always praying to God for things like please Lord make my tummy not hurt, please God let this headache pass, etc to stack up easy wins so when I make the big ask He's primed to agree 🙏
SIX rice bowls that will CHANGE your life, and one that will end it
Oh that's funny, my dog thought she could spend the whole morning not being reminded what a beautiful perfect angel she is. Sorry sweetheart, in this house bitches get complimented
First paycheck from the new job hits different when it's on the same day as the rent increase letter
Using open back audiophile headphones and a DAC to listen to a podcast at 1.3x speed
*gun shaking in Hunter Biden's hand* are you sure you want to do this, dad? It's time to change the narrative, Hunter. No more malarkey, take the shot!
Common sense gun control: when you buy a gun the seller should be required to ask you if you are going to use it on a president, current or former. If you say yes you don't get the gun until you change your answer.
*trying to calm things down after Trump was shot* this is actually the least consequential election of our lifetimes. The stakes couldn't be lower
Ding-dong! The Witch is dead Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch! Ding-dong! The Wicked Witch is dead
I was pulled into an unmarked van and forcibly converted to metric. Now I'm 175 cm tall, 100 kilograms, and there's nothing I can do about it. I've already cried 236 milliliters of tears 😭
Have you ever been asked to "place the target over the hospital" by a CAPTCHA?
Dammit I said the quiet part out loud and now the magician knows which card I pulled
I wonder what my ancestors were doing during WW2. Never asked my parents. They're still alive so I could ask them, but I'm so busy wondering.
Updated list of demands for Mr. Bouie's return: 1. Quit your job 2. Burn down the office on your way out 3. There are 100 names on this list, kill them all 4. Evade the police, federal agents 5. Here's another, much longer, list
I spend too much time controlling the temperature of water
Flipping through my rolodex of people I hate to see who I can blame for what today
The thing about talking like an old man is you have to start before you're old or it may not stick. Kapoot has already been added to the lexicon and will be in the rotation I can guarantee.
Once in a great while, maybe a year or more, I'll remember that I can go on Youtube and type a thing I like into the search bar and watch movies about a thing I like. Decided while writing this that calling Youtubes movies is a good old man thing to start saying.
That means only one thing...BRING IT IN, GUYS!!! *every instrument from every symphony, sonata, quartet, opera, and concerto come in with everything for a HUGE party*
When you look up from Bluesky on your phone and there's Bluesky on your laptop that's a sickness
If you haven't logged into a website or app for over a year they shouldn't be allowed to email you anymore until you do. They get to send one "goodbye" email on your 365th day away reminding you that they will not email you anymore unless you log in
Oyster farmer floating down to the bar to try to get his dick shucked
I didn't like Linkin Park because they had a music video with bugs in it. That's fuckin' gross guys
I've been enjoying Previous Industries debut album Service Merchandise
Nobody wants to eat gnome treats so they had to call them Keebler Elves
What the hell did Grimes see in Elon Musk
Answering a fully loaded cellphone. Explaining to TSA why my cellphone is fully loaded with the extended magazine; I'm going on a long trip!
He died trying to place a collect call. He was calling... the morgue.
Billion dollar idea: bullets for cellphones