
"That's not my argument at all." It is, though.
You sneeringly said someone should read a history book, they posted a picture of the history book on the subject that they had in front of them at that second, and you flipped your shit and pretended it was the only book she had ever read. Because you're not a serious person.
I’m trying to imagine the person who’s only read one history book and it’s that one lol
That appears to be you. Though. I haven't read that book. You say to have, and of all the books you read, you chose that one to support your point. Other than the Conner, what in the content specifically makes you point and is better than other books to the point that's the one you choose to share?
I’ll tell you books I’ve read on Palestine: The 100 years war on Palestine The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine On Palestine Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab Jew The Question of Palestine Justice for Some: Law and Palestine The Palestine Laboratory Image and Reality of the Palestine Conflict
Freedom is a Constant Struggle Decolonizing Israel Palestine a Socialist Introduction There’s probably more but I’d have to dig through my old Kindle
About half of those maybe more are written by Jewish people btw
Jews can be antisemitic, same as anyone else.
Yes I’ve watched you do that by conflating Israel with all Jewish people throughout this conversation
You've watched wrong. When people say Israel, I reasons about Israel. When people say Jews, I respond about Jews.
Incorrect again
This is why I think I mentioned to op that learning about Jews from Jews is a better idea than wherever you got this dreck from.
Well, Khalidi writes about both. So I respond about both.
Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic and criticism of Jewish people who are not Palestinian as being indigenous to the Levant is based on the probably at this point century long scholarly consensus about colonialism and how it operates
Some is antisemitic, some isn't. People have a right to say as they wish, but not a right to be free from their biases being shown. I'm interested in this "long scholarly consensus" you refer to. Where did you find it? Did you review it for other academic critiques or views? Does it have a name?
Of Indigenous studies and colonialism? There’s whole departments - I think earlier there was a pretty good link up there that specifically addressed it in the context of Israel
But I mean just generically speaking- typically the people who come in, ethnically cleanse people from their ancestral villages, and enforce the superiority of one type of people over another- are the colonizers not the colonized
Also you could read past page 10 lol
I could, and did, with the critical awareness of his bias. It's an interesting book, but it's not free of this bias. He pointed it out directly in the introduction. In the edition I have, he appears to have not footnoted these claims even though the rest of the book is rife with footnotes.
Okie dokie. They’re also not antisemitic.
It's not antisemitic to deny Jewish indigeneity for the purpose of setting the legitimacy of Israel as a sovereign nation? If not, I'm curious what you think *is* antisemitic?
If you aren’t Indigenous to a land then you aren’t Indigneous to a land. It’s a political distinction. The legitimacy of any nation is based on the consent of those who it governs- Israel effectively governs all the people in the Levant without the legitimacy of the majority of them.
Some Jewish people are Indigenous to Palestine- but most are not. Zionism is a 150 year old colonial project that had nothing to do with Indigenous claims (hence why they looked at Argentina and Madagascar and Syria and a bunch of other places first)
That's the antisemitic take you and up with when you sing learn about Jews from Jews, sure. What would it hurt you to learn about Jews from Jews?
I did learn a lot of this from Jewish people- what you mean is learn from Zionists
That reminds me of the time I said on Twitter that the Third Reich didn't limit their social purge to Jewish people and got accused of being anti-Semitic by right-wing Jewish people who said I was "ignoring what Jewish people said" because I deferred to recorded historical facts?!
"Learn about Jews from Jews, except the ones like Ilan Pappe who have internalized antisemitism for disagreeing with me."
You should learn from him too. Just not *only* antisemitic Jews.
More question-begging. By definition, any Jew who disagrees with you is an antisemite under your circular reasoning. Done wasting time with someone who is consciously disingenuous to the core.
Not every Jew that disagrees with me is antisemitic. That's just your fantasy about me.