Bart Bonikowski

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Bart Bonikowski

Assoc Prof of Sociology and Politics at NYU studying nationalism, populism, and radical-right politics using surveys, experiments, and computational text analysis. Affiliate Faculty at NYU's Center for Data Science.
31 faculty members from the NYU Sociology Department released this statement about the forceful suppression of peaceful protest (including the arrest of faculty and students) by the NYPD on April 22. Free speech and political dissent at universities must be protected. Get the cops off our campuses.
“How the Heartland Went Red,” a book by Stephanie Ternullo recently published by Princeton UP, is a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary US politics. I meant every word I wrote in this blurb.
In my first post here, I'll say the most exciting thing I'll ever have to say on social media. My book is available for pre-order!! Check it out to learn how local contexts are shaping the rightward turn in postindustrial cities
Great article about the hubris and empirical inadequacy of realist theory in IR, illustrated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. More broadly, the quote below offers a useful reminder to academics in the current historical moment. h/t
🚨 New Publication 🚨   In the Journal of International Relations and Development, Jan Smolenski and I critique the trend of IR theorists with little expertise in regional politics making broad descriptive and prescriptive claims about the war in Ukraine.
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