
Jason Furman, 2022 (singled out only because he was admirably explicit): if unemployment stays low, inflation “will still be about 4% at the end of 2025.”
funny that unemployment is low when looking at work force participation numbers was told not participating in the work force and unemployed are different if you know please make it make sense
I think it's people applying for unemployment are unemployed, and then anyone working age that is not on unemployment is in the 'not participating in the work force'. Like stay at home moms and people that ran out of unemployment.
if you are retired are you part of the labor force? coming from someone that has only seen retirees only work when they want to. and if you're still working for a living you are not retired imo not trying to be confrontational I genuinely would like to know what people think and why do we accept it
No, retirees are not counted as part of the labor force. The Bureau of Labor Stats explains this on their website.