
Labour is going to wind up with 63% of the seats in the House of Commons despite winning only 34% of the popular vote.
Labour's seat landslide is the headline bc of how it will affect government in the UK. But in terms of voter sentiment, most voters disaffected with Conservatives went to the right-wing Reform Party, not Labour. A warning for the future.
You might as well wish cast that people who voted Liberal could only vote Labor or Conservative.
The lesson is that the Lib Dems got 71 Seats with 3.5 million votes. That was targeting. Reform UK got 4 Seats with 4.1 million votes. That's not an organization. That was a rudderless mob of twats. And with Nigel in charge, what can he possibly accomplish? Sinn Fein got 7 Seats with 210,000!
Do you have a link for that voter sentiment? Thank you.
On the other hand, reform only have 4 seats, but would have 93 with proportional representation...
The joy of a multiparty election.
multiparty isn't the problem, it works well in countries with different voting systems. It's the fact that people were tricked into voting against their own interests when they voted against reforming the system
OK, how were people tricked?
they were told that alternative vote was undemocratic, which it isn't, unfair, which is subjective. They were told it meant "some people get more than one vote while other people only have one" , which is completely untrue.
Wait, who said that and what did they mean by an alternative vote? As an onlooker and not a participant, I’m truly interested and I’m not trying to provoke.
There was a referendum in the UK to reform the voting system. People had to vote on whether or not to bring in alternative vote. The conservatives misrepresented the new system completely because they knew it was unlikely they'd never be elected again if it got in.
The Alternative Vote Explained — CGP
the Tories lost the popular vote the last two times, did they not?