Cats, early American history, reading esp science fiction, fantasy, HEA and paranormal romances, old movies. Music.
Treasured memories include meeting Octavia Butler and Poul Anderson and coming within a whisker of owning an original Whelan.
So I watched George Steven’s: D-Day to Berlin. It was a documentary made from all the film Stevens sent back from WWII. He and a team of men were embedded with the Allied armies beginning at D-Day. They shot film of the liberation of Paris and at Dachau. Hard to watch, TCM is a treasure.
Here I am ensconced on my comfortable sofa, cat available for tummy rubs, watching world championship skating. I have to wonder if I’d have the stamina to last through this live. My niece and I are talking about attending one of the competitions; I think we’d have to start with a GP event.
Proud and happy to say I voted already in the presidential primary. And doubly happy to live in Washington state where we can all vote by mail and track it through the system.
End of feed.