William Angus

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William Angus


he/him, challenged with ADHD, published board game designer, cosplayer for 15 years, big time nerd, enemy of fasciam, ally to LGBT, cat and dog owner, lover of puns and dad jokes. Check out my published game:

The town of Filly in #Fallout E2 was filmed on the lot of Steiner Studios in Brooklyn. Last May while heading into the city with a friend for free comci book day we're at a traffic light and my friend says "oh look a coca cola sign." I look and I see not a Coca Cola sign but a NUKA-cola sign.
That time I met Todd Howard at a #Bethesda event and managed to get a picture with him. #Fallout #FalloutOnPrime
In honor of the premiere of #Fallout, heres my overencumbered Vault dweller cosplay. The EA jackass told me I had to pay him a monthly fee to continue cosplaying using their property. "But its not even your IP" "Everything is our IP"
If you know what the Dancing Ito's are, please remember to schedule your colonoscopy or mammogram.
Reposted byAvatar William Angus
Ok let me explain publicly. On the west coast you have bedrock broken up by a series of strike-slip faults, where plates are sliding along each other. A 4.8 there is a series of little jolts that doesn't travel far. The east coast is VERY FUCKING DIFFERENT. Bedrock is one big sheet for one.
Earthquakes like this occur in California -- and all around the world -- all the time, but given that this happened in the center of the media universe, expect much team-coverage freakout for 24 hours.
No context spoiler for Godzilla. #IYKYK (dont spoil it)
I attended an art auction today and this is the one I paid the least for and the one I love the most.
Reposted byAvatar William Angus
when you’ve lost alex jones
Hopefully we get this by 4Q24. I can not express how excited I am for this. The only thing I might be more excited for would be the Dresden Files. Murderbot is so good. I urge you to go get the audible book version, the narration is so good.
anyone at the St Patricks Day parades tomorrow, keep an eye for this wanted fugitive. He is considered armed and dangerous.
You should relax. I am relaxed. You look angry. I am both relaxed AND angry.
Just finished Travel by Bullet by @scalzi.com I *hated* the last 60s of the book for the decision //character// made. I 100% knew exactly what //character// would do & I love/respect that the 2 characters involved acted 100% in their nature. But damn man. How could //character// do that?! ARGGG!
thank you @gilhova.bsky.social for helping me work out bugs in not one but two games Im working on. Your advice was invaluable to moving both forward.
Reposted byAvatar William Angus
Reddit has signed a $60 million agreement to license material on the site to an unnamed AI company for training data. If you’ve ever posted/commented, you’re now part of the scrape. No word on what if any opt-out will be available to users.
Reddit reportedly signed a multi-million content licensing deal with an AI companywww.engadget.com Reddit signed a deal with an AI company that's "worth about $60 million on an annualized basis" earlier this year, according to Bloomberg. The unnamed company will use Reddit posts and comments to tra...
Reposted byAvatar William Angus
Wow. A lot of people have apparently forgotten how Jon Stewart dunked on Democrats during his first go round. OMFG, TDS was never MSNBC and JS was never Rachel Maddow. He would mock Obama regularly. Sorry he didnt just defend Biden for 20m. youtu.be/NpBPm0b9deQ?...
@kickstarter.com I am just curious how you can allow Ponzi schemes.. er.. "kickstarters that are unlikely ever to fulfill," to put a link for late pledges on their KS page? this project will likely never fund & you letting them scam more people isn't right. www.kickstarter.com/projects/116...
Never have I seen such car-nage. Note the incredibly awesome 3d mountain tiles I got off etsy. #thunderroad
Reposted byAvatar William Angus
fifth playtest of my #boardgame Community Garden. Two quotes: "I love games that make me feel clever and this game delivers." "You could pitch this to a publisher right now. I can't imagine how good this will be a month or two from now." (this was echoed by the other playtester) //swoon//
growing up you agree with Charles Xavier, but as you get older, you begin to understand Eriks viewpoint much better.
Prices recently lowered on all board games for sale! Click on for sale under the geek market. boardgamegeek.com/user/kittenk...
is anyone interested in #playtesting @boardgames on TTS? its called Communtiy Gardens. it has elements of bingo & set matching. Everyone is trying to harvest fruits from the community garden to sell at market for the most value, but you must be careful not to set up your opponent for the harvest.
www.etsy.com/listing/1498... This terrain kit on etsy was an insta-buy for me for Thunder Road Vendetta. Yes its as much as the base game itself was and thats ok.
Reposted byAvatar William Angus
That moment when you break out a game you stopped working on in 2018 or 19 because you were so excited about other projects, & you realize how ****ing professional it looks & how stinking cute everything about it is. Also the 2nd pic is the answer to your question: what exactly is a kitten kaiju?
signs your board game is worth pursuing: when someone seeks you out of FB two days after you did a playtest to tell you they haven't been able to stop thinking about your game, then goes and mocks up a better card layout in Nandeck. Also: when someone actively says they can't wait to playtest V3.2