Novra | Large Cat Extra-Ordinary

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Novra | Large Cat Extra-Ordinary

32 | Gay & Aegosexual | 18+ Art | He/Him |🔞 NSFW 🔞 | Illustrator on the Creative Team for Furality, I also draw VERY BIG MEN (Like really fucking big) | | Born in Finland | I FORBID THE USE OF MY ART IN AI/NFT/CRYPTO
It's almost time for a new #Furality Cyber Connection! 🎊 Get the latest look on what we've been up to in our live Twitch broadcast, coming to you this Friday, 7 pm EDT. Make sure to follow us on Twitch if you haven't already! Link in reply. 💙
❄️Hello hello everyone! I’ll be on the Front Page of Twitch tonight at 7PM EST! This is probably the only time I’ll promote my stream on Bluesky! Just wanted everyone to know of this big moment of mine 💜
Dreamed that I had a well paying job helping a team of developers, even came with a free car and I couldn't believe it. Found myself wanting to work extra hard just to feel like I was worthy of that amount of money and kindness.
Did a beefed up Lucas Lee for Patreon :3 Been wanting to do him for a while
Doing a character poll for the first time in a while on my paeytreon. The result will be an extra big beefed up version of the character. At the moment the poll is public so anyone can vote, but the drawing will be patrons only.
Okay cool, the Tories are out. For the first time since I came of age to vote. Now we just put the pressure on labour and other parties to actually make some fucking change and not just sit there with their thumbs in their asses.
Gone done did an vote, guy checking the names off recognised my last name from my dad who worked as a lecturer I hate how small this town is
I know exactly what I'm doing with this whole "finding gay friends or gym buddies on apps" thing I'm distracting myself from actually going to the fucking gym No more of it, it's fine to go by myself, so I will.
Call her Joanne, she hates that.
I use a specific brain thought to remind myself that the thick band is above the thin band on my character's arm tattoo: Through Thick and Thin
Find me at AC this week! 📸
Lol nope never mind I saw that my ex popped up in suggestions. Noped the fuck out of there
Logged in to Grindr for the first time in ages in the actual hope of trying to find someone to hang out with or gym with. Absolutely not interested in dating or anything else but I feel like I won't meet anyone looking for just friends
Logged in to Grindr for the first time in ages in the actual hope of trying to find someone to hang out with or gym with. Absolutely not interested in dating or anything else but I feel like I won't meet anyone looking for just friends
Gonna go live with my second and last donation reading host shift for Summer Games Done Quick! Be sure to tune in later for Castlevania Legends, or now for a glitch showcase that just got unlocked for Doom 64! - come by, say hi!
GamesDoneQuick - Summer Games Done Quick 2024 - Benefitting Doctors Without Borders - Doom 64
No one has bid on it yet :(
Having a ych auction on Twitter!
I have a definitive "cliff hanger" point for chapter 1 of Titan Tom and I'm considering selling printed books of all the pages so far. Just need to clean up old pages and find a furry friendly nsfw comic printer/book binder
So my work queue is empty now... like, fully empty. My brain is telling me "No that can't be, surely i'm missing or forgetting something" but nope, trello tells me empty. I'm gonna enjoy a night of no work for the first time in a while, then Titan Tom work starts tomorrow!
They're finally here! The Dalton & Tobias CupDate packs are now available over on Gumr0ad. Now featuring Shoes! You can check out the Setup Video here:
Dalton & Tobias: Ep02 - Cupdate Pre This Video will give you a quick break down of the new Cupdate features and setup.
Remember, scammers will try to induce panic. And we all might make bad decisions while in a panic. As always: remain skeptical.
FYI, there is a discord scam going around where someone claims that a report is filed against them and all of their friends list, and tries to get you to contact someone who supposedly works for Discord, claiming that you may lose your account. It is a phishing attempt. Do not engage.