
I have no scientific basis for this other than vibes but I remain solidly of the opinion that the thing dsm-5 now calls Autism Spectrum Disorder is going to be reclassified as a bunch of different things, and that my ASD, Crohn's disease, asthma, arthropathy, and depression are all just one thing.
Autism could be diagnosed with stool sample, scientists Researchers found differences in the gut microbes of autistic people, raising hopes for faster diagnosis
Note: this isn't to say the previous stratification of ASD into stuff like Asperger's etc was better, it needed to be condensed into a single diagnosis in order to understand how the whole spectrum works, but it's pretty obvious that I don't experience the world the way someone nonverbal does.
(Also, it's still stratified, it's just called Type 1, 2 and 3 within a single diagnosis now instead of naming it after literal nazis).