
Famously not self-actualised person, Alan Moore.
Possibly the stupidest woman on the internet
Has there ever been anyone on the planet more self-actualised than Alan Moore?
I have a novel he wrote about Northampton that had to be printed on that super thin bible paper cos it's so long, and you could still beat a man to death with it.
Really want to read that l, and his book on magic that's coming out soon.
I was trying to build up to it for a while by reading Moby Dick and War and Peace (not a joke).
I really like Moby Dick, and War and Peace, well I really enjoyed the BBC adaptation.
War and Peace is great in that it's really hard work that pays off. Moby Dick is just a mad romp that happens to be really long. I read the unabridged version with all the weird sidebars about how know one knows anything about whales except that they're definitely fish.
I actually have not. I inherited it off my ex in the break-up (she kept putting books on the front wall to give away and I kept rescuing them). It's been looming above my head for month though.
Overall, it's great. A few slow parts (understandable). I hope you get a kick out of it if/when you dive in.
Yeah, I have complete faith. He's literally one of the best to ever do it. Revolutionised an entire medium and then left it behind because he decided he didn't like what other people were doing with what he'd created. That's why it's so funny to say he's not "self-actualised"