
This is what I'm talking about. When the press were sending stalkers to my front door, publishing that I (specifically me) "should be dead in a ditch", and applauding my rapist ex, people like this were nowhere I moved to stay alive But you're here now clutching your pearls that I'd defend myself
And if you agree with the person in the image, PLEASE unfollow, don't delay. Make haste for the exit, because I prioritise my well-being over what strangers think, always.
some real "car crashes are most common within a mile of home" logic at play there
It's easy to tell sheltered ninnies who have never been in actual danger (from the State, individuals, or both) by their jaw-droppingly stupid opinions about self-defense.
When a person like that tells an actual violence victim like me not to defend myself - that's how I know they and I need never communicate again. Over and over these people say 'back us up' but my dead body would be acceptable to them. Collateral damage.
I never felt so exposed as in the UK with nonexistent police protection, a media hungry for blood, and an ex happy to oblige and I couldn't even buy mace legally. My husband got his SIA cert in Close Protection and people treated us like we were crazy to do so.
One of the biggest problems with "democracy" as practiced in the West is that virtually all laws are created by a coalition of farm animals and farmers, with all forest animals cast as dangerous problems.
Exactly so. I will never leave my safety up to people who think a dead martyr is an acceptable exchange for a living writer.
Even if you've never had to defend yourself, just applying a bit of critical thinking. A gun can't control a person or make a decision. You can shield yourself from the vast majority of the hazards associated with gun ownership through safe storage and handling practices.
Americans seem to have collectively decided that guns are not tools, but rather manifested supernatural entities to be either worshiped or demonized.
Some people woke up and chose stupidity, that's how they're dealing with disappointment here, many such examples
The irony of them saying fact free ideology