the bellowing elk

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the bellowing elk

Escapologist and moment collector since 2016. Lapsed Australian, living in Turkey. If found do not return.
it seems a common pattern 😂
Anyone in my life with a hyphenated surname Has been an absolute Cock-wobbling focaccia of A truncated numb-skull
Despite frequent remonstrations, Persephone never accepted that she could not photocopy a whole book in one go.
Evening walk lolz ok guys, the German 1930s moustache has been done before but who drew a nose on the other guy? And who told the gang something about Black Friday?
Gothic towers in the early morning mist, York
I suppose my plants back home are not wanting for a bit of watering now
How great is this? An English Pub depicted on the Simpsons called “The Brexiting Swan” with the sign being a swan shooting itself in the foot. Plus the delicious historical fact that pub signs were designed so illiterate people could identity the pub name from them. Hello, Brexiters!
Listening to a Spotify Daily Mix which hits home with every song: so many associations to friends who have left this life. So many memories: some good but most transporting me back to a darker time. Gorgeous picks, so i’ll continue listening but with a very nostalgic head
The John Wayne Bobbitt saga doesn’t seem that long ago
Here's a nun trying to get a cat to trade a fish for a penis. 1555.
• Im Juli 2011 entdeckte der kroatische Mediävist Emir O. Filipović bei Recherchen im Staatsarchiv von Dubrovnik ein Manuskript aus dem 15. Jahrhundert, über das eine Katze gelaufen war.
• Katzenpfotenabdruck in einer römischen Dachpfanne, ca. 100 n. Chr.
Stopped at a breakfast place run by proud Circassians the other day. Picked up this homemade 2kg cheese (she said “it’s nice with wine” and i was sold). Today I cut it, bloody delicious. Now to buy some wine …
the weather warnings for Turkey, and specifically for Istanbul, are a bit unsettling. Let’s hope they err on the side of caution
took the rolling hotel for an overnighter out of town. The rainy night added to the sleeping experience, I was mighty cozy what with my soup cooking, and after a cup of tea and listening to the sound of rain in a forest
Is today “Walk stupidly and erratically” day?
It’s only the real Istanbul it there is a cat on the package 😀😸
Kadıköy in a dress rehearsal for winter
Both the cat and I are wearing our coats and reckon this chilly Tuesday morning is great fun. A nip in the air but perfect for a quick trip to the islands for breakfast with a friend and perchance a hike
am i waving my arm at the best possible moment or did the photographer capture me? Which way around is it 😁 Sunday’s bike ride was a lovely one, and just as i boarded the Metro back, the twin started. Awesome timing
7 years ago i hope these kids are in a better place now Yezidi survivors, Sharya valley North Iraq, in a makeshift classroom with a volunteer teacher improvising some sort of “education”
Having my VW camper washed by the attendant for the sum of 8,15 AUD, tea included To reach the high roof, his colleague just did some move that was akin to a rugby line out. I’ll tip them generously
a bit of pitter patter to wake up to - I hope it rains harder in the catchment area. All the dams around Istanbul really need some water
best package warning graphic i've ever seen 🪶
The last evening in Bodrum was a bit wistful but for a while i’ll be just as happy in the big mad city
Osny, rue de Pontoise, Winter, 1883 #paulgauguin #impressionism
i’ve grown so fond of munching on carob it’s like eating a mix of a chocolate bar, caramel, a piece of wood and something like a cookie