
Y'all, Michigan is holding a competition for new voting stickers where you don't have to be a resident to vote and I NEED THIS ONE TO WIN LIKE I NEED TO BREATHE. Please go vote for it and spread this around.
There are many honorable mentions, including some where the child drawing it is clearly going to grow up to be a trans furry, so enjoy that. But we have to get the :L sticker to win. Full disclaimer: I do not know the artist at all, I just am so in love with the concept that I need it to win.
Like I cannot stress to you how much I need to receive that sticker in response to begrudgingly casting my vote. It will make everything better. Please make my dreams a reality.
From "That guy had to go vote during his lunch break and the courthouse is across town but he really wanted to eat his Cubano so he has to take it with him in the car but he’s annoyed because it was slightly soggy but a Cubano is a Cubano and he voted so all good"