Given how conservatives enjoy seeing criminals shot dead, they must be in two minds about the outcome of yesterday.
This blower motor was not compatible with my car, and to make matters worse it kept biting me when I was trying to fit it.
After an accident at work I thought I might be becoming superman.
Play with Eddie at your peril.
People thanking their imaginary friend who let millions of jews and others die in a terrible way during the holocaust (not to mention the millions of children who die every year). Religion is fucking disgusting.
On this day 20 years ago Cammy gave us a family of 6 kittens that became a very important part of our lives.
Decided to resubscribe to Brilliant on a monthly basis, since while it's a bit pricey it's just about worth to have something to work towards and learn. It turns out that it's not €15.75 a month, but in fact €18.90 a month. Why? Because they don't include taxes in the price, as required by EU law.
Homosexuality is not just a form of sex, but a form of love. This seems something obvious to the compassionate among us, but apparently it's not for some people. After acknowledging this fact, the common homophobe can only be one of two things: ignorant, or evil. Has a homophobe ever known love?
Christopher Hitchens annihilates Christopher Hitchens was a great man and so is Stephen Fry.
If this steel cable breaks someone might lose an eye, but it's worth it to get that wall straight.
My earliest forays into modding for The Anacrusis. I always had a fondness for Nessa...
I'm sure absolutely no one has noticed this, but for the past some time I've been having some psychological and severe emotional issues. I've been prone to bouts of inconsolable sadness and uncontrollable rage. I've done some stupid things and said horrible things to and about others, even to (1/5)
I've had my best girl go over the contract.
Bluesky should make it so it shows you the post you just created.
I love the way god is some eternal, unworldly entity yet is still a "he", almost as if it were invented by men.
And he'd rename Christmas to xmas...
Darcy wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas.
When a republicant tries to argue why he needs an armoury in his house...
... said no suffering child ever. Fuck these religious morons and their solipsism.
Of course Facebook won't take down these comments.
Poor Eddie's been attacked by something. It's not as bad as it looks (his eye is fine), but he's bleeding and missing a lot of fur.
Labeled by the author
Sigh, spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation is fine, calling someone an idiot is not.
If the Lethal Company Steam discussion board is going to continue unmoderated it should be shut down.
Did you know that denying people the right to use racist/homophobic slurs in server names is fascist?
At least Twitter still has some useful features.
It's terrifying to think people like this are allowed to vote on things that affect reality.
Just a reminder that this guy is 52 years old.