Ben McCormick

Ben McCormick

Writer, beer maker and drinker, lefty, inventor of the Beer Advent Calendar, slow cyclist, even slower guitar player, deft exponent of the reverse mocker.
People celebrating Tories being on the point of getting turfed out of office and replaced by people who are Tories but don't even have the balls to admit they are is wild. Desperation does weird shit to people, I guess.
Set up a server for work this evening. So far no issues and everything seems to work. Amazed.
Bought a month's subscription to NowTV to rewatch The Sopranos. Wtf is this adverts bullshit? I didn't pay to have American Express ads shoved down my throat.
Going on a walking 'holiday' on Wednesday so of course it's going to be fucking pissing it down all week. Thanks, British weather, you absolute fucking cock.
About as excited about the forthcoming GE as I am about filing my next tax return, if I'm honest.
German design at its best. That little inset circle fits the bottom of a can perfectly. Slides in with a satisfying 'clunk'. Like a softly closed, well-engineered car door.
Right, let's see what night trains are like in Europe. Already a change of departure station from Paris to Strasbourg. Augurs well.
Dear 'the weather'. Could you warm the fuck up now, please? Signed, All of the UK.
Hladinka of Pilsner Urquell at U Hrocha. Outstanding.
Birthday trip to Prague, you say? Oh, go on then.
Nuked my X account in a volley of swearing at TERFs last night, so Bag of Cans is no more. May actually start posting in earnest on here now. *waves *
How about this for a first post on Bluesky? Uplifting, aspirational, optimistic. What can this mean? Thoughts on last year published on Caught By The River:
End of feed.