
Last night I think a lot of people learned a very valuable lesson in the small village where I did a gig, and that is, if you go to a comedy gig in a small village where you live, don’t mock a comedian’s disability in a way that will lead to an angry mob of 80% of the women waiting outside for you
Causing me to stammer then mocking that stammer whilst I was talking about how my difficulties interacting with people has caused me to develop agoraphobia might have made a guy have to move house
The support from the village was lovely, one woman came over to tell me “I want you to know we’re not like that here. We’re not bigots in Lincolnshire” and because I can’t stop myself, I went “Except in Boston” and she paused and went “well, yes.”
If you’ve ever seen me deal with a rowdy crowd you’ll know I’m great at dealing with hecklers and can really put people in their place whilst being funny and without being cruel. It really takes something for me to stop the show, drop the act and go “That was just cruel and unacceptable”
There's a beautiful karma to that.