
The findings suggest heavy cannabis use is associated with CVD mortality among females. A positive association between CVD mortality and heavy lifetime cannabis use was observed among females. Longitudinal studies needed in general populations to investigate effects of cannabis on mortality.
Emerging research: Using cannabis is associated with a heightened risk of being involved in motor vehicle accidents. Additionally, a possible association between cannabis use and the onset of acute myocardial infarction as well as an elevated risk of ischemic stroke.
The potential connection between cannabis use and CVD mortality is biologically credible. Research suggests that certain cannabinoids, like D9-tetrahydrocannabinol, that are key components of cannabis may contribute to inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and atherosclerosis development.
Increased exposure to carbon monoxide through cannabis smoking =>higher levels of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood => impair oxygen-carrying capacity in blood, 👇oxygen in tissues/cells =>potentially triggering angina, especially in individuals with preexisting coronary heart disease.
Individuals who use cannabis are at an elevated risk of experiencing vessel ruptures, a condition exacerbated by the increased release of cerebral dopamine. This increase can stimulate cerebral blood flow, lead to vasospasms, and cause vasoconstriction.
Causal relationship between cannabis use & increased risk of small vessel strokes. Cannabis use may directly impact the CV system by raising blood pressure and heart rate, inducing vasoconstriction, and increasing carboxyhemoglobin levels, all of which elevate the risk of ischemia.