Beyond Fossil Fuels

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Beyond Fossil Fuels

A coalition of civil society organisations striving for a just transition to a fossil-free, fully renewables-based European power sector by 2035.
The harm caused by fossil fuels knows no borders. Germany's import of US fracked gas to power new gas plants comes at a big cost to vulnerable 🇺🇸 communities.Scaling up renewable energy is a global solution that addresses our health, climate, & environment.
„Wir bezahlen für den Gas-Hunger der Deutschen mit unserem Leben“ Um bei der Wärmeversorgung unabhängiger von Russland zu sein, baut Hamburg ein neues Gaskraftwerk. Das hierfür benötigte Gas kommt aus dem US-Staat Texas, wo der für Deutschland so wertvolle Rohstoff ...
Green roofs and solar panels can help cities cut temperatures by 8°C. It's ⏰ for policymakers and businesses to embrace the multiple benefits this solution offers: lower AC use, enhanced biodiversity, energy efficiency and water management.
Europe is leading the way on installing green Europe boasts three decades of research and product development that underpin its thriving green roof industry.
France submitted its final national energy-climate plan (NECP) to the EU Commission. The plan includes a 2030 target for renewable energy that moves in the right direction, but it still falls short of the EU's 44% minimum target for renewables by 2030👇
France unexpectedly includes renewables target in its energy and climate France submitted its national energy-climate plan (NECP) to the European Commission, setting a target for the renewable share of gross final energy consumption, while the government has been fighting ...
European institutional investors hold $554 billion in fossil fuel stocks and bonds, making up 13% of all institutional fossil fuel investments. They must halt financial support for coal, oil, and gas expansion. More in Urgewald's report 👇
Investing in Climate Over 7,500 institutional investors are holding bonds and shares in coal, oil and gas companies to the tune of US$ 4.3 trillion. This website is a tool for citizens’ movements, customers and regulators...
Portugal shows good progress towards a beyond fossil fuels, renewable future. The country plans to increase the weight of renewables to 51% of its final energy needs by 2030 from a current target of 47% as part of its goal to become carbon neutral by 2045.
Portugal to raise share of renewables in energy consumption to 51% by Portugal plans to increase the weight of renewables to 51% of its final energy needs by 2030 from a current target of 47% as part of its goal to become carbon neutral by 2045, the government said on Wednesday.
Political scientist Lisa Pelling on why the green transition must not be imposed on communities, but co-created, and anchored in the priorities of people locally, in the lives they live where they are.
Climate capabilities: realising the green People are not unaware of climate change, Lisa Pelling writes. But they find it difficult to imagine the green transition.
Good news! Europe's largest solar power plant, the Witznitz Energy Park, has been inaugurated south of Leipzig. Built on a former lignite mining site, it has an installed output of 650 MWp, and is now connected to the 50Hertz transmission grid.
Europe’s largest solar power plant connects to transmission Europe's largest solar power plant, the Witznitz Energy Park, has been inaugurated and connected to the 50Hertz transmission grid in Germany.
Renewables provided 44.7% of the EU's electricity in 2023, with ☀️& 🌬️ up 12.4% from 2022. Fossil fuel share fell 19.7%, reaching 32.5% of the EU total. A fair, renewables-based EU electricity sector, free of fossil fuels by 2035, is the only way forward.
Renewables generated nearly 45% of the EU’s electricity last Wind and solar power increases combined with a sharp drop in fossil fuels pushed renewables into the lead.
The new report from WWF Greece & Greek Council for Refugees "Climate refugees: Addressing climate-induced massive migration before it happens" aims to unite civil society in response to climate migration, often deriving from climate disasters.
Report addressing climate induced massive migration before it Greek civil society initiative for the protection of climate refugees
💡 Generating 1,000 AI images produces the same carbon emissions as driving a gas-powered car for 6.5 km...that's a lot of energy. This surge in AI energy demand is threatening the climate goals of Google and other big tech companies.
Google’s emissions climb nearly 50% in five years due to AI energy Tech giant’s goal of reducing climate footprint at risk as it grows increasingly reliant on energy-hungry data centres
2024 is shaping up to be Europe’s greenest year yet with renewables making up >50% of European power generation so far. With key investments in storage and grids, Europe can scale renewable capacity faster and meet its climate goals.
Over 50% of Europe's Energy Sourced from Renewables in In H1 2024, over 50% of Europe's energy was renewable, according to Eurelectric. Low-carbon sources accounted for 74% of the EU's total.
Floating wind is about to take off in Europe. France, UK, and Norway are preparing for commercial deployment. It will produce clean local energy, help revive coastal communities, and create jobs. Governments must step up their support for these projects.
Could floating wind farms be a game changer for renewable energy? Countries are developing the tech to produce wind power at even greater depths.
📢 The science is clear: carbon offsetting is not a reliable tool for tackling the climate crisis. And today, 80+ civil society organisations are calling on climate target-setting bodies, including Science Based Targets initiative, to stick to science.
Why carbon offsetting undermines climate More than 80 leading civil society organisations, have issued a joint statement rejecting the use of carbon offsets to meet corporate climate targets.
As IEA warns, without decisive action, climate risks could reach critical levels by the century's end. Interestingly, EU leaders have removed a call to 'prepare for new climate realities' from their 5-year policy priorities (!) More 👇
EU leaders ditch call to prepare for ‘new realities’ of warmer The European Environmental Agency found Europe unprepared for climate change risks such as floods and heatwaves.
Interest in ☀️ solar power is surging across Europe as countries move beyond fossil fuels towards clean energy. Why? Among the top reasons: solar panels can decrease electricity costs, reduce toxic emissions, and improve public health. Read more 👇
10 Reasons for the Growing Popularity of Solar Panels Across The widespread embrace of solar panels in Europe signifies a progressive shift towards cleaner, more sustainable energy sources.
Are European utilities' transition plans advancing Europe’s climate goals or full of empty promises? Our new tool assesses the credibility of utilities’ transition plans, offering financial actors a strategic criteria for more sustainable investing.
🚀 We’re launching a new tool to evaluate the energy transition plans of European power utilities. ENEL, ENGIE, EPH, Statkraft, and Iberdrola. Despite promising renewable energy investments, none of these companies have plans to phase out fossil gas by 2035.
Have you explored our Gas Power Plant Tracker? It details the status of all gas plants in Europe, assesses the threat to a fossil-free, renewables-based power system, & highlights where urgent actions are needed to reverse new projects & retire existing ones.
Studies suggest that 85% of UK homes can be fitted with heat pumps without additional insulation. For those who need to upgrade, the cost and disruption is modest compared to the benefits👇
Will I need to spend a lot insulating my home to get a heat pump? Many people fear the UK’s draughty old properties are too great a challenge for the technology
'Energising Communities: Transforming 🇵🇱’s Power Sector with Locally-owned Renewables' showcases the resilience & challenges of 🇵🇱's energy cooperatives, while interviews with various members offer insights into their optimism for a green, secure future.
The G7 summit in Italia has ended & leaders reaffirmed their commitment to phase out fossil fuels, triple renewables & double efficiency. But ambitions, especially on delivery, must be higher!