
it's like turning an aircraft carrier and it's hard to extrapolate from the small shifts in trajectory to the big future results, but the progress is real
I see a lot of "well why aren't emissions dropping faster" and other such complaints, I think it's genuinely very difficult to accept that there's any good news on the climate front for a lot of people after so many years of bad news
it's always important to demand better, but part of the reason that the story of climate policy isn't sticking is partly because bad news feels more plausible and partly because the people most invested in this policy understand its limits. hard to sell "mixed-positive"
Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies ahead of the election.
This is why *trajectory* is important. Emissions today are based on decisions made a long time ago, and if we want lower emissions in the longer term, that means making different decisions now. The positive policy changes in energy aren’t throwing a big switch, they’re setting a future pathway
Sadly any of these future emissions reductions are completely obliterated by the current increase in emissions driven by Biden's support of the Ukraine and Gaza wars and the large number of new drilling permits that Biden has approved.