
We've been royally fucked by screw-ups at two specific corporations this week. Apologies in advance for being less than cheery.
All our accounts have been emptied. No paypal/kofi link because SUPPOSEDLY they're returning the wrongly withdrawn funds in a matter of days and we just have to live on credit cards til next week. but jesus fucking christ
Oh shit… 😰 I hope the funds are returned quickly (how can they be wrongly withdrawn in the first place??)
Oh lord, I cannot imagine the headache of having to chase people down and get this all fixed. Good luck!
haha it's Bad but also drives home how lucky we are to have the most bare and basic of safety nets
Yeah I guess having this be deeply shitty and frustrating to deal with is better than it just destroying you but christ, what a world where those are the two options!!
sometimes being a bitter old grouch is necessary to progress