
Has anyone reading this ever driven to Alaska from the lower 48? We were kicking it around as a Someday trip, but I'd be interested to hear anyone's experience
Like, I've driven across the US a few times and I want to do that with the kids too, but by Christ the middle of the country is tough. Flat and full of fuckall
My best friend lives in Denver though, so we've talked about flying out there, then renting a vehicle and tooling around the West, then flying back. Anything to avoid the fucking dull as paint drive from DC to Denver
What i really fuckin want, this very second, is to go back to El Paso and get a plate of machaca from Kiki's on Piedras. That's what the fuck i want
We drove from Great Falls MT to Anchorage AK in the late 90s when I was a kid. 4-8 hours a day, took about a week in the summer. You can also drive to Washington state and take the auto ferry too