
This story is outrageous. The government attempted to seize this man's home after fining him $30,000—$500 a day—for having TALL GRASS, which only grew long because he was out of town settling his late mother's estate. Imagine trying make someone homeless over tall grass.
Florida man's tall grass saga comes to an After six years, two lawsuits, and harrying legal wrangling over a $30,000 fine for tall grass, Jim Ficken can finally breathe easy
Two federal courts upheld that insane fine. But after local media coverage provoked strong reactions, the city ultimately lowered the sum enough that this poor man was able to prevent foreclosure on his house. (I repeat: over tall grass.) Unfortunately not everyone is so "lucky."
Billy, you say this like you’ve never seen Jurassic Park. You know what’s in the long grass? Raptors. You try and explain to the local county council why velociraptors aren’t really a nuisance.