cosima bee concordia

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cosima bee concordia

femme leatherdÿkefàg
co-host of Drunk Church
theory horror femme
prominently dreamy & chronically ill
Being a NYTimes columnist is inherently a bad thing—like it’s entirely reasonable to unambiguously dislike and distrust people for working for them, especially as a trans woman.
Solomon, right before writing shir ha-shirim:
I am done talking about gender I think, talking about gender on the internet is mostly pointless. Trying to spend my time thinking about love and God 😌
I am done talking about gender I think, talking about gender on the internet is mostly pointless. Trying to spend my time thinking about love and God 😌
Instead of hiding my insanity in the fear that someone will stop liking me when I start a relationship, I just lay it all on the table from the jump and if they are there for it then I already know they’re keepers 💞
The implicit idea here is that having more than one love of your life is impossible, let alone several at once! I beg to disagree 🤷‍♀️
On the electrolysis schedule I’m on it looks like I’ll probably be getting bottom surgery at 33, the same year our Lord and Savior got her side wound pussy. #blessed
The liberals who were masquerading as leftists are really coming out of the closet now that they have the opportunity to shame us as being responsible for the fall of democracy if we don’t vote for the unelectable senile war criminal
My post with this thread got taken down on Instagram for “child sexual exploitation” because I said “you can always try a little HRT as a treat” in a thread about adult gays—now I’m restricted to uselessness.
People are generally not attracted to identities and the diversity of transness makes stuff blurry sometimes—it’s actually okay to identify how you identify and be attracted to who you’re attracted to and if those stop aligning switch it up if you want! Like it’s not that serious
Amanda has been going crazy since the school year ended just driving a round and getting free stuff from Craigslist marketplace 💕
My grandma had sundowning syndrome the last few years of her life too—absolutely lovely lady, also was not a super competent decision maker during that time! And she wasn’t even a war criminal!!
Been listening to Chappell Roan for the first time and pretty sure the reason she’s so popular is because she’s like an actually gay and confidently sexual Taylor Swift who is also not a monster billionaire (yet)? Genuinely a lot of fun!!
Okay so apparently several more big accounts here were outed as sex pests and/or feds? Idk I don’t have the patience or care enough to piece it all together, but why is this place *like this* all the time lol
I am not “fleeing” even if we descend into far worse horrors than where we already are—the idea that you can simply leave and go “back” when things get hard is exactly the settler colonial mindset! This is my home and I’m going to act like it.
The last year has had me breaking mutuals with more people than the whole time I’ve been on the internet combined—people are obvi not dealing great with *the state of everything* and it’s bringing out some wiiiild parts of ourselves I never really expected, me included lol
Generally not a ban technology girlie but pretty sure if we don’t ban or at the very least dramatically restrict AI in the next couple of years things are gonna get baaaaad bad lol
so apparently facial electrolysis is covered now and body contouring will be next year? on top of prepping for bottom surgery guess I’m back on my hardcore transition era that I put on pause right before the pandemic 🤷‍♀️
When I really like someone it may seem like I’m love bombing them but that’s just me being really devoted and insane and is in fact totally authentic
I love that “House of the Dragon” is back so deranged stans who, failing to read it as a tragedy about power and trauma, treat the story as if it has an objective “good side” and a “bad side” and can continue to war with each other through unironic attempts at moral arguments 😌
I am slutty in the limitless devotion of a vampiric thrall for a few people sort of way
Noticing people seem to be going back up on Twitter and Bluesky engagement has been dying over the last several months. It’s a bummer, I was rooting for literally-anything-but-Twitter so hard
As a devotion-pilled non-monogamous girlie, my experience is that polyamory actually facilitates long lasting relationships in ways monogamy doesn’t—for instance, your partner falling for another person is always possible, but only in monogamy does it signal a necessary end.
Saying I love you for the first time and having her say it back just hits like nothing else 🥰
I’m like if a wife guy had three wives but wasn’t married and was also a woman
It’s endlessly funny that cishet women tend to become the coolest possible versions of themselves when they get divorced whereas cishet men generally morph into the most profoundly horrible version of themselves.
I hate the question “if you could go back in time and transition as a kid, would you?” The people I love have made me who I am, and I would never sacrifice those relationships or myself for that! I’m sure the me that transitioned as a child is lovely but that’s a different woman.
Mundanity with the people you love is actually the point of life! It doesn’t get better than that babe 💞
We should actually give JKR this one—HP is a politically regressive series that catered to some of our worst impulses, and it was popular because of that. The idea JKR accidentally made something beautiful may help the egos of those of us who loved it, but don’t lie to yourself!
I’ve been very silence-pilled lately but with the release of Charli XCX’s BRAT I am a music enjoyer again