
My darker impulse: if we're going to switch to Harris (unlikely I think, but what do I know about internal party stuff) I think it's gotta be to go full prosecutor mode and just hammer Trump on the crimes and the democracy stuff. If the electorate won't respond to *that*, let them be damned.
I know I should (and tbh I mostly do) care more about who can win, and I know there's lots of people who would suffer under Trump presidency and that's who we're fighting for. But so many people are willing to throw away whatever is good about this place, and god do I despise them.
This is just me venting, I'm going to keep doing the right thing, etc. But ffs if some of these people aren't so stupid that they'll toss the incredible benefits of liberal democracy aside for whatever stupid shiny object catches their eye
If someone deserve to take over the presidency of Biden steps aside, is Harris. Now I know that because she is a black woman, lots of people will disagree with me. Important is to win this dangerous war no matter how.
If it's anyone I think it has to be Harris, yeah