Birds, Snakes, etc

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Birds, Snakes, etc

I like nature and board games and the Minnesota Vikings and Star Trek and having a good chill time, online.
🧪 New avian anatomical feature just dropped! Soaring birds have an inflatable air sac in between chest muscles to improve the leverage of those muscles for holding their wings out for long periods of time.
UF researchers: Soaring birds use their lungs to modify mechanics of flight - UF GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Soaring birds — like osprey, eagles, falcons, even vultures — can stay aloft in the air seemingly forever, rarely flapping their wings.…
I love Chimney Swifts. They are so much fun to watch fly around and their little chittering calls are adorable.
#startrek Potentially an unpopular opinion, but I'm fine with Lower Decks ending. I love the show but the last season felt like it was running out of steam. It's impressive they have done as well with that extremely niche concept as they have.
Really thought one of the clues in today's NYT crossword was going to be "shark". Very disappointed.
House wrens are back building a nest in my birdhouse! I think this is the fourth year in a row. This confirms that my narrowing of the hole worked. A couple months ago I cut out a wooden ring to reduce the hole from 1 1/4” to 1 1/8”. The House Sparrows were very upset that they couldn't get in.
Working on planting wildflowers in my garden and I startled a shrew. I hope it comes back. It's welcome to eat all the slugs, beetles, and mice it wants. I wonder if the shrew is why I haven't seen any toads around in that area; one has been setting up shop there for a few years.
King & Queen of the Ring was a fun show. Really thought Orton was going to tap there, for a minute.
Heard and then saw a Pileated Woodpecker this morning. They always bring a smile to my face.
#TenMinMerlin Hearing migratory warblers again: Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Black-throated Green. Also a Kentucky but I've been hearing it for over a week. Seems unlikely to stick around but who knows? Unfortunately with how leafy the trees are now I couldn't see any.
#TenMinMerlin New record. Merlin picked up 20 species! I think the rain was keeping some migrants around. Six different warblers were hanging out in a mature oak stand. I could only get eyes on one, a Black-throated Green. Merlin also heard a Swainson's Thrush.
#TenMinMerlin looks like the Nashville and Tennessee Warblers are sticking around, at least for a bit. Three straight days Merlin has picked them up. I could hear the Tennessee clearly enough to confirm, and I saw it but not clearly.
Had two Tennessee Warblers and a Red-eyed Virai for #10minMerlin The Warbler was here yesterday too.
Four lifers today, and 63 total species, at Point Pelee. I think I will do Magee Marsh next year for something new.
“After researchers saw Rakus applying the plant poultice to his face, the wound closed up and healed in a month.”
Amazing story: For the first time, scientists have observed an orangutan applying a medicated paste that it made to heal a wound.
Wounded orangutan seen using plant as It is the first time a creature in the wild has been seen using a medicinal plant to treat a wound.
Do we still care about QB hand size in the NFL? McCarthy has relatively small hands at 9". Culpepper fumbled a ton and had 9.5" hands. I don't know how much it matters though.
Dang. Turner seems like a good pick. A little light but he can fly around.
Overall this draft is falling nicely. Vikes didn't need a OT so this run is helpful. Should be able to get a good front 7 player or CB.
Still no defensive players taken. Weird draft. Nix was a reach.
Oh no. This interview with McCarthy talking about vibrations... Nothing wrong with the meditation to focus but i dunno about this.
I do like how athletic McCarthy is. Obviously there are a lot of questions given the offense he played in. I guess we'll see. I am always skeptical of intangibles like "being a winner".
A 4th and a 5th to move one spot? I like Kwesi but he has lost every draft pick trade he's touched.
Crap. I was hoping Penix would be available at 11. Shocker from ATL.
Figured it out thanks
So uh how do we buy The Onion?
Got a lifer Henslow's Sparrow today!
It'd be really neat if Cornell includes frog and other calls (squirrel?) into Merlin. Lots of animals make lots of weird noises. Obviously that's much more challenging but... Grasshopper Sparrows.