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viewer, vidder, reader, writer
Greetings. I am planning a VACATION. Do I know anyone in Sweden besides isagel and my friend A.?
Avatar I finally saw All of Us Strangers tonight and -- fittingly for the theme, it turns out -- felt like you were next to me the whole time Thanks for the rec over the past months; it was wonderful and haunting
sorry for the spam, friends! i am more or less done
140 Festivids watched of 160 Almost there almost there Meanwhile, I'm gonna start posting mini playlists for anyone who would find that enjoyable
Working my way through the Festivids collection and we have officially hit the holy quartet of vid song artists: Vienna Teng, Dessa, Florence + the Machine, and Taylor Swift
Welp, that's a new personal record: 6 Festivids completed this round (And, uh, 1 received, according to the AO3. But it's for a source I've been asking for for years, and I'm going to pretend the TÁR vid is for me in addition to the actual recipient.)
Pepper is a Rat Baby, for the record
Cat alignment chart. Where does your kitty fall?
wish me (and the prospective recipient) luck, i'm trying for festivid #5
I was trying out Jason Momoa's motorcycle show and it played a song that sounded so familiar, partly bc it's like "When the Levee Breaks," and it turned out to be "Young Men Dead" as heard in one of my fave vids, by
Let's Go (Young Men Dead) - Lawrence of Arabia
lol so I guess I channeled my job stress into 4 complete festivids
ARE YOU KIDDING ME not only are there no OT3 fics for the show "Sort Of" on AO3, there are zero fics at all??
Well, I finally replaced X with bluesky in my little pinned browser tab, so maybe NOW I'll remember to use this site and reconnect with you all 💜
End of feed.